1: Observe the thickness of the substrate and the thickness of the coating
Color steel plate is formed by a substrate and a colored coating on the peritoneum. We first need to consider the thickness of the substrate and peritoneal coating. To compare, the thickness of the square color steel plate substrate is 0.02-0.05mm, while the coating thickness of the coating is often only below 0.15mm. From the perspective of the usage time of the color steel plate, the thickness of the substrate is crucial. However, some manufacturers who consume colored steel plates often dry their hands and feet on the substrate and colored steel coating. They reduce the thickness of the substrate, but also reduce the thickness of the peritoneum to reduce the consumption cost of colored steel plates, which greatly shortens the service life of colored steel plates.
2: Observe the outer leakage margin of the color steel plate
Get a piece of colored steel plate and first observe whether the exposed steel of the colored steel plate, such as the cross-section, can crystallize finely, whether it can appear gray, dark, and impurities. If the cut surface is crystalline and fine, it is of relatively good quality.
3: Listen to the sound
Use your fingers to strike the colored steel plate with a hard object. If the material of the colored steel plate is poor, the sound it produces will be muffled and the metallic sound will not be significant. The metallic sound of the colored steel plate with better material is relatively loud and clear.
4: Check the quality certification of the color steel plate
Can there be a scale for testing the relevant parts. If there is a rough idea, go to the consumer manufacturer of color steel plate for on-site reference. Take a look at the situation of the enterprise and see if it can be on track. Find out about the reputation of this company in the mall.